Friday, December 5, 2008

Check Ups Lookin' Good

First off, we would like to wish everyone a safe and happy holiday season. It is hard to believe that Thanksgiving was already here and Christmas is right around the corner!

Justin had a variety of checkups within the last week and I wanted to wait until he got through them all before I updated our blog. Sometimes it seems that there is an endless amount of appointments, but when they all deliver good news, the time spent worrying and waiting is worth it. His latest CT scan was "stable" as well as his MRI of his brain. Funny these words radiologists use, or don't use. But in the medical field, stable is a very good word. Takes some time getting use to. Justin bloodwork also looks excellent. His thyroid is still functioning, but it is a 100% guarantee that sometime soon it will putter out. Nothing that can't be fixed by medicine.

I have decided it is time to end this blog, well kind of. I want to keep it here for those that are looking for answers/experiences since that is what got me through the first few months of Justin's treatment. I plan on coming back once in a while to post updates on Justin's health so that people may see what life is like after treatment as well.

Thank you to all our family and friends that have followed this blog and supported us! Maybe after the holiday season is over, I will start a new blog that focuses on our family!!!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for updating us throughout the process. I knew that Justin probably didn't feel like talking about the treatment on regular occasion, and this blog was a great way to find out how everything was was going without calling. Happy that all seems to have turned out for the best. I admire the strength and pertinacity you've both shown.
Take care,
Jeff Summerson

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update! I was happy to hear the good news!
A family blog would be wonderful!
Hope you all feel better soon.

TheHotSpotGuide said...

I wish you the best of luck and thank you.