Monday, October 27, 2008

And, He's Done!

Tomorrow is Justin's last radiation treatment. Yay! As far as side effects go, he did pretty well. He did mention a sore throat and heart-burn like symptoms this week. Once he had some sorbet it seemed to help. So overall, uneventful.

Dr. Ezz told Justin that his next scans will be three months from his last radiation treatment. We thought it was three months out from chemotherapy and were mentally preparing for a CT/PET scan beginning next week. There is, once again, a chance that the radiation will light up, leading us down that road of "false" positive. Let me just say more uncertainties! We are going to double check with Dr. Fata and see when he recommends his scans being done. If he agrees with Dr. Ezz, Justin won't have CT/PET scans until late January.

There are check-ups in between, a port to be flushed, and our favorite doctor to visit at U of M [Dr. Junck].

Justin, Jackson and I are going to celebrate at The Whistle Stop! I will use any excuse to go there for breakfast!!!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Six to Go!

As of today, Justin has 6 radiation treatments left. He was able to make up his missed appointment last Saturday so that he will finish on schedule. Justin has noticed some discomfort in his throat, but not enough to keep him from eating regular foods. The tiredness is there, but again, we are not sure if it is from radiation or the lack of sleep. Going to bed late and getting up early is probably not the best combination! On top of that, Justin has been fighting a cold for the last week. So many of his symptoms could be from that!

Overall, Justin is really looking forward to radiation being done. Me too!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

We Have Lift Off!

Yay! Justin was able to start radiation last Wednesday, as most of you probably know already. Yeah, yeah, I have been a slacker. But it just means that our life is moving on. We aren't consumed with Justin and his health at the moment. So I am sure I am forgiven!

Justin finally remembered to ask about his radiation treatment plan. 20 times in all. So 3 down, 17 to go. I would've been able to say 16 to go, but the MIRO lost their power this morning so he wasn't able to get treatment. Weird. Unless they call him sometime today, he will be behind one day. Not a big deal. Justin said the only hard part about radiation is the early time slot. He seems a bit tired, but I think it is because the appointment is so early. And Justin still puts in a full day of work afterwards!

Today we are taking Jackson to a Retirement Residence so he can pass out candy to the people living there. This will certainly be a hoot. He is going to be a lion this year, and will probably hog all the candy for himself today!!!